Free MOV to GIF Converter

Convert MOV to animated GIF file online for free

Your All-in-One Video Converter

  • Convert MOV to GIF in high quality
  • Convert a series videos to GIFs in one go
  • Make GIFs from videos in different formats
  • Trim video before converting to GIF

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  • What Is MOV

    .mov is a popular file extension that represents QuickTime video format. You can use it to store HD movies, short video clips, TV shows, etc. Currently, MOV files can be played on Mac, Windows, and many other devices.

  • What Is GIF

    Put simply, GIF is an image file. Besides being a still image, GIF can be used to create animated effects. As it can hold multiple pictures at one go and create infinite loops, GIFs are also served to display graphics and logos on the internet.

About AmoyShare MOV to GIF Converter

This MOV to GIF converter powered by AmoyShare is 100% safe and free to use. You can use it to convert .mov to .gif or .gif to .mov without hassle.

  • MOV to Animated GIF

    It is a piece of cake to turn MOV to animated GIFs with this web-based converter. This MOV to GIF converter runs fast to convert your video to .gif in no time.

  • GIF to MOV Converter

    Besides MOV to GIF conversion, this online tool helps you quickly change GIF to MOV files. Upload the .gif file and follow the prompt to get the task done.

  • Free GIF Converter

    You can convert MOV files to GIFs without spending a dime. And no ads or clickbait will bother you. Hence, you can enjoy a satisfying MOV converting service.

How to Convert MOV to GIF Online?

Best MOV to GIF Converter Online for Free

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