10 Impressive Car Photoshoot Ideas (Creative & Intuitive)

By Emily Harper | Last updated: Sep 09, 2024

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Car Photoshoot Ideas

Are you a car buff?

Are you a regular visitor to automobile show? Do you often read car magazine? Have you been appealed by gorgeous pictures in the automotive magazine.

Having a car is a symbol of social status for adults or a sign of being grown up for teenagers. When you own the first car of your life, do you long to shoot some attractive pictures for your vehicle?

Car photography is more a great joy than a moment when inspiration crowds into your mind. However, you are a complete novice at photography. You dread to have  little ideas of photography tricks. As a result, you are lost in finding car photoshoot ideas.

Fortunately! You don’t need to be a skilled photographer, neither will you be bothered to come up with ideas for automotive photography. It is possible for a green hand in photography to take great shots of car, no expertise required.

In this post, we are going to show you our creative tips for car photography.

Choose a Golden Time for Shooting

When it refers to the golden time of a day to take an automotive shot, we believe that the perfect time is before sunrise and after sunset, for the reason that the sunlight is soft during the 2 golden hours. You should keep in mind that direct and strong light is not suitable for shooting.

Integrating the atmosphere, sky and a gorgeous landscape will create a harmonious composition of an image.Moreover, you can also make full use of a tripod or a reflector to take a close-up image.

In brief, choosing a golden hour is helpful to level up the automotive photography. Sunshine, sky and shadow are natural ingredients contributing to a flattering picture.

Choose a golden time for shooting

Cast Appropriate Light

Everyone knows that an appropriate light can offer large support for photography. The headlights and taillights on the car will create a shining effect. And the sharp change between light and dark, produced by the automotive, can bring viewers a strong visual impact.

In addition to the headlights and taillights, you can resort to other artificial light tools – spot lamp and flash lamp. Set them up in various directions based on what you want to achieve. If you intend to emphasize the front of the vintage car, you can use the spot lamp to cast light on the part.

Generally speaking, casting light in a fitting way will be an extremely expressive tension.

Cast appropriate light

Integrate Car with Nature

Nature is the biggest boon for automotive photography. Natural landscape endows photo with powerful expressiveness. Hence you can try to take a car shot amongst a sublime mountain, lush forest, a field full of flowers or a beach. Learn to combine the feature of your vehicle with nature. For instance, if you are an owner of an off-road vehicle, you can choose a magnificent mountain or turbulent steam as the background of car photo. The rush of sea waves and the flowing sand shining on the beach can be a unique background as well.

In a word, nature is open to us. There are no hard rules and limitations in photography! You are supposed to integrate distinctive elements from nature with car photoshoot ideas.

Integrate car with nature

Shoot from Various Angles

Shooting from different angles will reveal the automotive beauty as well. It’s a great approach to obtaining a new perspective of the car and creative composition. Performing car photoshoot from side can highlight the length and the streamlined shape of your Porsche. If you shoot from the back of car, you could adjust the angle of your camera. Shooting the car at 45 degree is your prior option because the 45 degree is capable of showing the integrated connection between the wheel hub and the car body while bringing the most attractive part of a car into viewers’ first sight.

Therefore, please be bold and make attempts to do car photoshoot from various angles. Perhaps you will capture superb car images.

Shoot from various angles

Make Use of Reflection

Reflection can make a huge difference in photography. You can’t ignore the role of reflection. However, many cars are painted with a glossy lacquer that can reflect every detail on the car, even the dust. Hence, you must thoroughly clean up your car before performing the reflection work. Taking a shot on the car’s window is the most convenient way to get the reflection.

Furthermore, choose beautiful surroundings to park your machine. The sky, tree and road lamp are the best photography materials. By the way, be careful to avoid your own shadow.

In conclusion, a good reflection photo depends on what reflects on the surfaces. Eye-catching car image is not easily available.

Make use of reflection

Take a Picture with Car Exterior

Car exterior is the intuitive method that seasons the car photography. You should have a deep insight into the design intention of your car, so that you can focus on the details of car exterior. These car exterior elements include the logo, car door, rearview mirror and other particular objects. You can open car door to take a close-up image; or focus your camera on the logo which is conducive to showcasing the design philosophy of your car.

Generally speaking, taking a picture with car exterior is an innovative and simple car photoshoot idea that is tailored for a beginner.

Take a picture with car exterior

Choose Multiple Poses for Model

Model serves as a role in adding the art and story characteristics into the photo. Choosing multiple poses for model is the most common among car photoshoot ideas. Experiment with different photography poses, you should blend the personality of the car with pose. Let your model lie on a seat, put the feet on the control panel, or sit on the trunk.

Strike sound cooperation with your model and bear in mind that you need to listen to your heart and intuition, which will trigger your inspiration. 

Choose multiple poses for model

Pan for Motion Blur

Taking a photo of a car in motion is one of the most thrilling car racing photoshoot ideas. However, did you ever add a motion blur effect to your car photo? You can adapt the panning technique to blur the background of an image. In this way, you will achieve a sense of motion in the still object.

However, panning for motion blur is challenging for the novice. No professional photographer can create perfect pans every time. Here are easy steps that can do you a favor. To start with, you need to stand beside the street, and get your car passing by. Then, holding your lens, you are supposed to follow the car for capturing a fleeting image. 

In short, make efforts to practice, be patient, the pleasing car images are certainly well accessible.   

Pan for motion blur

Handpick an Appealing Background

An appealing background is not only able to balance the composition of an image, but also grasp the essence of what you want to convey. Therefore, when choosing a background, you’d better take the car color, shape, or theme into consideration. For instance, a thin background can be used to emphasize the bright car color. The beauty of line and movement will stand out in these grand backgrounds.

Nevertheless, it is a common issue that we can’t always find an ideal background. In a bid to help you out, there is a background removal software you can turn to ask for help. remove.bg software is well qualified for removing your undesired background or changing background.

Handpicking an appropriate background may create what you can’t expect!

Handpick an appealing background

Shoot Car with Pet

I hold that most people would like the car photoshoot idea – shoot car with pet. Car photography can involve pets too. Pet will bring life to your image. For example, make attempts to adopt a funny or relaxing pose with your little animal. Besides, you can put on a cute or drama suit for your pet.

Pet is more than a significant companion in our life. So don’t wait to create unforgettable memories with animals in the car photography.

Shoot car with pet


Car photography can be a rewarding and challenging practice.

If you are curious about how to take a gorgeous car photo, then you have been in close proximity to many creative car photoshoot ideas.

In this article, we have walked you through 10 ways to take stunning car images. They are all simple to perform.

No matter your photography technique level, capturing the personality of the car is well within reach.

Try it now!


How to take photos at night with a car?

In fact, car photography at night is easy. You just need to find a spot, like street, bridge, or riverside. Next set up your camera on a tripod and select a suitable angle. You can make full use of the streetlight and moonlight to create the light and shade contrast.

How can I shoot my car from my iPhone?

What you need to do is that open your Camera app on iPhone. The contrast, and saturation of the photo can also be adjusted accordingly. Besides, Symmetrical pictures can be pleasing to our eyes. You are free to try multiple perspectives. What’s more, it is vital to hold your phone still and keep the automotive in focus.